My art is an interrogation of western culture's beliefs and values, and an exploration of the tension between faith and doubt, physical desire and spiritual longing. It can be read as an articulation of the uncertainty and irreconcilable antagonisms inherent in our existence.
Images and text are sourced from the cultural ephemera of film, magazines, pulp fiction and pornography, dislocating and setting them adrift from their original contextual moorings. Although the appropriated subjects? cultural and symbolic associations are retained, they are here co-opted; when re-imagined and repositioned, they achieve a new potency, becoming ambivalent signifiers of moral emptiness, skepticism, and self disgust. The viewer is no longer a passive consumer but a voyeur and participant, implicated in a nihilistic culture's obsessions, perversions, and hunger for meaning.
Jonathan Alibone is an artist based in the United Kingdom, and is currently both a resident and curator of The Sanctuary in Northampton, England. He has exhibited widely and his work features in collections in the UK, Europe, Russia and North America.